~Tunes for your Tuesday . . . and V-day love!~

I'm sure you all are tired of hearing about Valentine's . . . so if so . . . move on to another blog!
Hee hee
Soooo I don't know about all of your hubbies/significant others and gift giving . . .
BUT mine can't keep a surprise or secret for the life of him!
He's as sweet as can be, and is an excellent gift giver . . .
but secrets are ALWAYS ruined, every time!

Some examples:
1) Our first vacation, (London Paris Rome for Valentine's Day before we even got engaged) . . . He told me about Paris and London, the 3rd destination was going to be a surprise (Rome), BUT on a phone convo he let it slip without even realizing it.
2) I got ALL of my Christmas gifts before Christmas . . . pretty much every year we've been together!

It's kinda cute b/c he's soooo excited . . . he can't wait to tell me. 
A girl loves some surprises once in a while though right?!

Lol so this Valentine's I know where our "surprise" dinner is, and part of my gift . . .
Tickets to one of our fave artists . . .

Ellie Goulding!

Soooo excited!

Speaking of Valentine's: ALSO we are doing a Secret Valentine at work . . . I came back from lunch and saw  . . .

A sweet surprise . . . yayyy me!

And I'm excited to receive my 2 Valentine's Day Swap gifts!!!

Ok enough for today . . .

Just curious, are your men good at gift giving? Can they surprise you?

Happy Tuesday loves!