Celebrity You’d Meet Before May 21st 2011 Doomsday

Celebrity You’d Meet Before May 21st 2011 Doomsday

If May 21st was actually the end of the world, which celebrity would you want to meet?

I think everyone knows my answer; Taylor Swift! Keep in mind that I do NOT believe in the what some call, wacky thoughts of Harold Camping nor do I think that the world is ending on May 21st which is this Saturday. That being said, let’s say that hypothetically the world was going to end, what celebrity would you want to meet before total annihilation? (Remember this is strictly for fun as the world is not actually coming to an end)

For me, I’d pick Taylor Swift because she is such a genuine human being [from what I’ve seen/heard on TV, in the news and in magazines]. I’d be happy if the last person I met before the May 21st doomsday was Swift, no doubt about it. I know everyone has that one celebrity they have always wanted to meet. Don’t be afraid to comment below and let us all know which celebrity you’d choose. Feel free to express your thoughts on the whole end of the world ordeal as well. Do any of you actually believe this nonsense?