Jennifer Aniston gets 'Decade of Hotness' award

Jennifer Aniston gets 'Decade of Hotness' award

Jennifer Aniston gets 'Decade of Hotness' award. It should be crystal clear by now, to anyone who is even halfway paying attention, that there is simply no end to the awards you can win if you are a celebrity.

But despite their plethora, every single one of these awards is hard won, deserved and significant.
All of which leads us to the award we all crave and some of us deserve but not as much as Jennifer Aniston, who has just nabbed it.

In suitably breathless tones, reports that La Aniston is the latest recipient of the Decade of Hotness award from Spike TV as part of the network's Guys Choice annual celebrations.

Just to be clear, the Decade of Hotness award is reserved for a woman who, over a ten-year span, remains so consistently sizzling for the period that Spike TV has no alternative but to honor said woman for her scorching visage and body parts.

"Decade of Hotness is Guys Choice's ultimate term of endearment for a woman that we just can't get enough of," is the way Spike TV executive vice-president Casey Patterson put it, according to People.

Aniston will accept the award in the flesh during the show, which airs June 10. Be sure to wear your sunglasses.

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