jennifer lawrence katniss

jennifer lawrence katniss

Jennifer lawrence katniss. Jennifer Lawrence is Katniss Everdeen in ‘The Hunger Games’
It’s official. Katniss Everdeen, a 21st century literary figure almost on par with Harry Potter or Edward Cullen, will be played by a 20-year-old Oscar nominee. Jennifer Lawrence, who rose to fame very quickly after a stunning, Oscar-nominated performance in the Sundance 2010 award-winner Winter’s Bone, has been cast as the lead character in The Hunger Games, director Gary Ross‘s adaptation of the popular young adult novel written by Suzanne Collins. Lawrence had long been rumored to be the front runner for the role and her accepting it was all but certain as of this past weekend. According to The Wrap, who broke the news, the papers were signed and sealed on Wednesday. Details were not revealed, but it’s believed she’s signed on for a trilogy of films.

So what does this mean for the franchise about an all powerful government who flexes its muscles by forcing children to kill each other for sport live on television? We speculate and more after the jump.