Nicki Minaj school

Nicki Minaj school
Nicki Minaj Becomes a High School Principal For The Day!
 Young Money rapper Nicki Minaj stunned high school students when she turned up at their school for a suprise visit as a principal!

Moment 4 Life' rapper Minaj turned up at Collins Academy High School in Chicago, Illinois last Thursday to help motivate the students and promote the importance of a good education.

The school won the suprise visit off Minaj after winning the 'Get MotivatED Challenge', which helps provide scholarships and better educational facillities for American high schools.

Minaj, 26, presented awards and scholarships to three students during an awards ceremony and signed autographs for other students throughout the day.

But the Trinidadian star also gave an important talk at New York's LaDuardia High School, telling them: "I am a young, female mogul before I am an artist. As a businesswoman there isn't a single day where I don't use my education or acquire new knowledge to ensure my success.

"Regardless of where you are today, with education you can take yourself where you want to be."

Minaj later Tweeted about her visits, writing: "Best Day Ever!!! Collins Academy was absolutely amazing!!!"