End of the world theories


1. Reports around 2002 says a comet will strike Earth in 2011. Click Here This is one of the many sites that confirms it.

2. In David Jacob's The Threat, he confirms that many ufo victims have indeed been told by aliens that "something disastrous" will happen soon, within 10 years or so.

3. Mayan Calender consists of two wheels, one on 365 days, the other on 260. Started in August 11, 3114BC, for the whole wheel to finish its rotation (meaning restarting of both wheel) would be at December 21,2012. Their amazing accuracy are more precise than our Julian Calender. It is their believe that at the end of that rotation would be the judgement of the god, where to smite us or save us.

4. Confirming #3, it is also known that the western land were never fully understand. The Olmecs, ancestor of the Mayans, built giant stone scuptures of human faces. These were identical to the Eastern world, yet nothing similar to their own world. It is said that aliens contacted them.

5. Confirmation from Jon King, another alien contactee researcher. (refer to #2)

6. Inca's Prophecy. In Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge - the Mystical World of the Q'ero Indians of Peru, it is said Earth includes the three periods: Age of the Father, Age of the Son, Age of the Holy Spirit. End of the Age of the Holy Spirit is 2012.

7. Cherokee Calender, The Cherokee Sacred Calendar - A Handbook of the Ancient Native American Tradition is a cross between Mayans' and Aztecs'. The end of the calender is (in our calender)December 21, 2012.

8. Much in relation to #1, on June 5, 2000, James van der Worp discovered the orbit of Phobos (one of Mar's moons) was affected. The projected impact to earth is September 18, 2012, with: "an escape velocity of 3.99731 km/s.."

9. Vincent Bridgesof A Monument to the End of Time, says the Cross at Hendaye encodes information on the formation of a "cube of space" over the 20-year period between 1992 and 2012. On each equinox, an Earth cube is formed,and aligns with the Heaven cube every 13,000 years. The mid-point in the alignment of these cubes, when they are perfectly aligned, will be on the autumnal equinox of 2002. The 20-year period ending on Winter solstice 2012 is the "eschatological moment when the New Jerusalem descends to Earth", as described in the Revelation to St. John (12,000 stadia - Rev.21:16). The results of a ritual ceremony would be "dire".

10. Robert Boerman discovered a kabbalistic code within crop circles. Nibiru, the planet on a huge elliptical orbit, based on cuneiform of Sumeria, will return every 3600 years. This planet is said to be the home of our ancestors (the ones who created humans). In his book Crop Circles, Gods and Their Secrets, it is said the next cycle is on 2012.

Items #11-20

11. Mayan sage Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj announced: "...on Dec. 20, 2012, Mother Earth will pass inside the center of a magnetic axis and that it may be darkened with a great cloud for 60 to 70 hours and that because of environmental degradation, she may not be strong enough to survive the effects. "It will enter another age, but when it does, there will be great and serious events. Earthquakes, maremotos (tsunamis), floods, volcanic eruptions and great illness on the planet Earth. Few survivors will be left."

12. Rennes-de-Chateau. Visit their site.

13. Mutation Parlour. Quoting: " Activating group kundalini at each of Gaia's chakras via these weavings, progressively towards 2012, will help to resonate humanity's awakening Groupmind with the intense awakening of these Great Serpents, the Ida and Pingala of Gaia's kundalini." Also links the Return of Quetzalcoatl (Mayan God).

14. Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx, authors of The Orion Prophecy - Prophecies From an Ancient Mayan & Egyptian Civilization for the Year 2012, claims to have found a code within the Egyptian and Mayan system that shows the sunspot cycle happening in 2012. Visit their website for more information.

15. David Rohl proved the start of the Mayan calender was at 3115 BC, exactly the start of "a new world due to a flood." More information unavailable.

16. Milankovitch Cycle, actual valid scientific research by Dr. William A Gasper. He explains the heat wave, ice caps, and the tilt of the earth. In 41,000-year cycles, earth will be at the peak of warming, the ice caps melt, causing flooding and constant rain, leading to SUDDEN cooling and glaciation (a new iceage). This 41,000-year cycle can be equally divided by the Mayan's 5125-year calender. Based on the Milankovitch cycles, E.C.Njau predict a climate change between 1997 and 2012. Click Here.

17. Kev Peacock's Geomagnetic Reversal theory. Basically it means every 11 years would be the peak of the sunspot cycles. Since the previous one was at 2000, the next would be at 2011 and would last until 2012. Visit here for more info.

18. John Haddington discovered a 12 year pattern within Crop circles known as a twelvefold geometrical progression. The next would be 2012. It is his belief that something or someone is trying to warn us about that year.

19. Cassiopaea. A wave of 6th density beings returning every 309,000 years. Said to arrive between now and 2012.

20. Another great support to the Mayan calender, said to begin a new world at 3114 BC. David Furlong discovered connections between the Stonehenge, stone circles of Castlerigg in Cumbria, Stennes Stones in the Orkneys, Newgrange in Ireland, beginning of Ancient Egypt, and geographic evidence such as climate change, volcano eruption, flooding. Possible suggestions include that these are the end of a previous world.

Items #21-30

21. Islam: also predicts a judgement day in the future, similar to Christianity and Judaism with angels (known as mala'ika). Through numerous calculations, Safar Ibn `Abd Al-Rahman Al-Hawali converted the Islam year into 1967 (year of desolation) + 45 years (time between anguish and blessing) = 2012!

22. Ethiopian Calendar: originally from Egypt. Their calender is also based on the birth of Christ. Therefore, their dates are related. September 11, 2012 is the start of the Ethiopian year 2005. That very first month in the Ethiopian calender is known as Tout, dealing with the god of Calender cycles. For more information, click here.

23. Seneca Indians: Grandmother Twylah Nitsch passes down the legend of Grandfather Moses Shongo (died 1925) predicts a 25-year period of purification (or peace), lasting until the year 2012, which the Earth will completely rid itself of impurities.

24. Dan Troxell of the Cherokee verifies item #7. The calender system includes 3 visible rings representing heaven, and 3 invisible representing universe. Explaination of the system is awfully long, but main points include that the transition period from Light to Darkness is from 0-25 years. This confirms the end of the calender at 2012, as the start of the transition is 1987.

25. John Major Jenkins's Galactic Alignment, Hamlet's Mill, and Joscelyn Godwin's Mystery Religions all confirms the alignment of the Solstice Sun and the Galactic meridian to be in 2012. Also, Swami Sri Yukteswar's Vedic Yuga system suggests the Galactic Chakra alignment will be chaotic when those two are aligned. 26. An 80-year old Zulu Sanusi (shaman)and elder from South Africa known as Credo Mutwa stated in 1999, "the great star, which is the lava of our sun, is going to return on the day of the year of the red bull, which is the year 2012." For the whole story, click here.

27. Hopi Indians of Arizona: Very similar to Mayans, they believe we are living in the fourth world. They have 9 prophecies, of which all has happened except the last one. *Prophecy #8 was of white men and guns, which is the Hippie era.* The last prophecy is the appearance of a new star. They also say that from the alignment of planets, it is a purification until the last day of the Fourth World. The first day of the 5th world is December 23, 2012. Actual document.

28. Aztecs believes the 5th sun ended in 1519; 6th sun starts in 2012. Click here for more info.

29. According to Alberto Villoldo of the Q'ero Incas we are in the 4th Sun, and will reach the 5th Sun in 2012. Click here for more info.

30. The Q'ero said there are 3 ages. It starts with the transition in 1990-1993 and finishes in 2012, (they have combined their myth with a Christian myth of 3 ages).

Items #31-35

31. Interesting note, not really fact. Last episode of the X-Files, Mudder talks about 2012 as the year for mobilization of aliens. A link, perhaps?

32. Earth's Core, rotational spin. It takes about 400 years. A baktun will terminate in 2012, thus resulting in a geomagnetic reversal. More info here and here.

33. Jack Van Impe: second coming of Christ will occur between 2001 and 2012. His view is that on 2012, a dimension split will occur (known as the Rapture). Click here for more info.

34. Capturing of Jerusalem by the Israelis in the six-day war of 1967: a key date encoded in the words of Jesus, that starts off a 45-year period ending in 2012. Click here for more info.

35. Book of Daniel: The last three verses reveal support to the previous 2. If the code is that 1 day = 1 year, then: "there is a period of 1290 days from the taking away of the continual burnt offering until the abomination of desolation is set up...but "blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1335 days...the end of days." The difference is 45 days. If that is 45 years, and 1967 is "1290," then Christ will come in 2012, the end of days.

Items #36-40

36. Time Wave Zero: (I've considered this one of the more freakily-real proofs). Ben Franklin created a 8-by-8 magic squares using #1-64. As if a 3-by-3 wasn't hard enough, this 8-by-8 square can be seen here (must see, true work of genius). coincidentally the sum is 260. With further research, this actually relates to the Mayan calender and the "I Ching." Zyzygyz converted this 8-by-8 magic square by replacing the numbers with the I Ching hexagrams and created a timewave that works... basically: "8x8 magic Square = Mercury = Hermes = Thoth = calendrical change = game of draughts = 8x8 square = 260 = Tzolkin = Harmonic module = 20 x 13 = 260 - katun cycle = termination point 2012!!" Visit the yahoo group and this important thread.

37. Keith Hunter stated: "The End-date of the Mayan Calendar will coincide with the earth possessing an Obliquity of the Ecliptic of 1406.25 minutes of Arc (23.4375 degrees), and that this will occur in 2012, upon the Winter Solstice of 21st December. At present the earth's axis is 1406.333345 minutes of arc (2003AD), but it is decreasing by approximately 0.4704'' seconds of arc each year, and in 2012 it will be 1406.25." See his essay and research here.

38. On May 2002, Damaeus of the yahoo group "2012-Theories Discussion Group" posted something concerning the Salvia divinorum. Visit their yahoo group here.

39. Weidner confirms Bridge's A Monument to the End of Time (item #9). Stating: "a double-catastrophe, the first of whose effects would be electromagnetic shifts...crustal torque, pole shifts, tidal waves and high winds. The inference of both theories is that the second catastrophe would be in 2012."

40. Very shocking essay by Rush Allen. Click here. This has astrological and mythological confirmation.

Items #41-45

41. Steven McFadden reports Carlos Barrios's research. After talking to Guatemala's priest, Ajq'ij, in Autumn 2002. Barrios concludes that the 25-year period between 1987 and 2012 is the period between the fourth and fifth worlds. Direct words: "alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth... raising all to a higher level of vibration." More info here.

42. Hinduism: time cycles. In saving you from being bored, I'll summarize the important part. The Yuga system is about precession (yuga is a time period). The solstice-galaxy alignment era is AD 1998 - 2012. A LOT more info here.

43. Tonu Shearer added 170,937 days to the date that Cortez landed in the Yucatan. This is 117 days more than the required 170,820 days in 9 calendar rounds. The explanation is that there are exactly 117 days between the date Cortez landed and the date he confronted Montezuma. Therefore, this is the same as saying "170,820 days after August 16th 1519, the fifth world will end".For a calender explaination, click here.

44. The Tibetan calendar is based on the Chinese system. Ironically, in 2012, they both will reach the year of the Dragon (also in that year, for Chinese, it will be known as Water Dragon, due to the 5 elements). Apparently, Roman poet Claudian (c. 370-408) described this combination as a destructive force.

45. A portion of the book Survive 2012:"Alongside the Nile, the Giza pyramids have been shown to have the same pattern as the Belt of Orion. Three of the Nazcan ¡°stars¡± are more prominent than the others, and they almost form a straight line of their own, although the third is slightly astray. Their relationship appears to be the same as the Giza pyramids, imitating the belt of Orion. Could this be true? If it were, then perhaps they are part of a global pattern of coded messages, warning us of another flood will come sometime in the future."

Its been a while since I updated this, sorry for the delay. - 1/2/05

Items #46-50

46. Tower of Hanoi. A huge stone tower that Buddhist monks attempt to complete to reach enlightenment. There are three towers. 64 discs (smallest in the top, biggest on the bottom) are in the first one. The objective is to move all 64 discs to the third tower, but the discs must be in increasing size order, and no disc is to be put aside. At one ring per second, this will take 6e11 years. (600,000,000,000) The downside to this is that the World will end when this tower is completed. However, I cannot prove that this will be completed at 2012. Anyone with any extra information on this can contact me.

47. McKenna Brothers. This is a followup of #36. Terence and David (aka. Dennis) McKenna are neuro-chemists. 1971, they investigated the Amazon, where the natives claimed to have performed magic. Ayahuasca. This is a very special substance. Supposedly, it is only visible to those who have taken it already. After taking this substance, they hallucinated. They returned to the United States and was convinced in the I Ching (aka. Book of Changes; Chinese Oracle). Incase anyone doesn't know, I Ching is a group of 64 hexagrams. The Timewave theory is created here, where the brothers "found a complex fractal wave, where each level is 64 times greater than the one below, consisting of 26 levels, which describes all change in the universe, from sub-atomic event durations, up to a universe-length time-span. When they analysed the peaks and troughs of history, and lined up the Timewave over the wave of history, they found that the end of the wave, when all the sub-waves peak together, will be in the year 2012." At the time, the brothers knew NOTHING of the Mayan calender prediction. (Theory was 1975, while the spread of the Mayan calender was in 1987).

48. 1974, Martin Schonberger. He discovered the I Ching sequence in our DNA. Supports the Timewave theory.

49. John Sheliak - a more precise Timewave diagram. Click Here. Robert Anton Wilson summarizes: "the last 384-day cycle contains more transformations than in all previous cycles - below that is a 6-day cycle, when things accelerate even faster, and in the last 135 minutes, 18 barriers comparable with the appearance of life, or the invention of language, will be crossed - 13 of these will occur in the last second."

50. Gloria Karpinski. Meditation have given her an insight to 2012. She puts all her experience in her book, Barefoot on Holy Ground She suspects of something big happening in 2012.

Items #51-55

51. Essay by David Flynn. Claims that ET warned humans of 2012. The ET landing site in Mount Hermon is 2012 nautical miles from equator and meridian.
52. Using the Cybersky astronomy (educational) program, click here, the winter solstice in 2012 will have all the planets aligned except for Jupiter.

53. "The Antichrist Version 666" Click here for a summary. (Definitely worth reading, its short.) Says Jesus comes in 12/7/2012, comet hits, and mission to Venus. Out of context, but to whoever reading this, please consider this quote from the summary:
This book shows that religion was created as a mind police to keep all the world behaved and civil so that we can get to the level of technology that we have today. Because, it was truely vital for our eternal existance.

54. Torsion Wave. Refer to David Wilcock's Divine Cosmos. Shows that Torsion energy "will prove to be a very important point that we will use to explain the importance of the Mayan Calendar end-date on Dec. 21, 2012." Please read 9.8.6 in that site.

55. Exploding Toads. Click Here. Edwardo, probably an alias, believes that this could be caused by galactic superwaves and magnetism. Click here for his site. There are other theories that crows have pecked the frogs livers out and the exploding was a defense mechanism.