After being leaked early online a few days ago, the official video for ET is here to stay! ET = Extra-terrestrial takes an outer space trippy vibe where Katy Perry, initially being an alien is sent to earth.

The video had a dark side apparent in many Kanye West videos who is also on the track and video. His cameo had him rapping in a "space module" with a bottom grill and the usually black outfit, black glasses. Katy Perry took a turn away from her usual cute fashion style, and opted for crazy makeup with animalistic contact lenses and flowy dresses.

At the end of the video, Katy Perry lands on earth, portrayed as a land fill where she finds a robot. In seeing their similarities and a partner in her new life, she kisses the robot which then takes it's human form an an albino. This can signify the joint life of aliens and humans that conform to an identical race. What do you think this video signifies?!

Check out the video here!!!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
