~Fabulously Free Giveaway: Shop Odyssa!~

The artist and owner  of Shop Odyssa is Ahn . . . and she is so sweet and adorable!

Shop Odyssa has some uber cute laundry bags, or totes for everyday use.

Giselle Bag

Where do you gather inspiration from?
 "I gather inspiration from vintage travel posters, my closet and my friends'

closets (the inspiration for a few of my shoe bag designs are take from my

 best friend's shoe collection). I love vintage fashion and a lot of the

 embroidered designs reflect that, like the "Francesca" lingerie bag. I find

 Gwen Stefani inspiring; I love everything she does. The "Irie" shoe bag and

 "Rockstar" laundry bags pay homage to her. I also have an obsession with

 peacocks. I guess you could say my inspiration falls in line with the old

 bridal adage "something borrowed, something blue, something old, and

 something new"."

Give us 2 words to describe your personal style:
"kingston - clean"
What are your top 3 favorite shops/online stores?
 (I know it's not an Etsy shop, but I love it so!)

 What was the BEST handmade gift that anyone has ever given you?

 "Drawings from my goddaughter"

 Tell us a little bit about your creative process

"My inspiration comes in spurts. The muse of creativity visits me and I get
 out my sketch pencils and pad of paper and sketch in a fury (my muse of
creativity happens to be very unpredictable so I have to "carpe diem" if you
know what I mean). I have no official art training so it usually takes me a
few sheets of paper (or the entire pad… errr :/ ) before I get the design
the way I want it."

 What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?

"I want others to feel that sense of adventure and wonder that arrives with
the beginning of each journey. I want others to feel swept away with
possibility, serendipity and be inspired to see what's out there in the
world. I want people to be excited about and enjoy the journeys of their
lives whether it's a weekend girls getaway to wine country, a visit to see
Grandma or a trek through Southeast Asia."

 I think Mark Twain conveys the feeling best when he wrote the following

 "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.

 "Which may in turn be an eloquent way of saying the Nike slogan “Just Do It”."

What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?
"Each lingerie bag is named after one of my best friends or a member in my
family. Each design reflects that person's personality. I couldn't pick a
favorite among them. However, I can tell you the top sellers are the
"Francesca" lingerie bag and the "Giselle" lingerie bag. I think that’s a
 cute little case of serendipity because in real life, Francesca is my best
friend and Giselle is her daughter, my beloved goddaughter aka crayon artist
aka my personal guru of things handmade."

 Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?
 "I love reading and writing. I've always been a bookworm. I've recently
become a tad consumed with interior design mostly feng shui and the art of
decluttering… because, it truly is an art. I think Clean House and Hoarders
pretty much scared me into mastering that art."

To win the "Francesca" bag (29.99 value):

Follow my blog AND tell me your fave item from
As well as your email addy!

Extras: (add a seperate comment for each to gain more chances to win!)
1) Follow Shop Odessa's Blog
2) Fan Shop Odyssa on FB
3) Follow on Twitter @shopodyssa

Blog about this: 2 entries (2 comments too!)

Good luck loves!!!
Giveaway ends Sunday April 10th
Open worldwide!

"Rockstar: Dirty"