Dairy promoting princess is lactose intolerant

Dairy ambassador is lactose-intolerant

The Gray’s Harbor Dairy Princess and official Dairy Ambassador for the county is actually lactose-intolerant.

For two years, Laurel Gordon has been travelling her county to promote dairy but she recently revealed that she is actually lactose-intolerant. The Dairy Princess doesn’t drink cow’s milk at all opting for more digestion-friendly soy milk. Even though she can’t drink or eat much dairy MSNBC reports that she supports cow’s milk anyway and hopes to become the Dairy Ambassador for Washington State in June.

A good portion of the world’s population is actually lactose-intolerant and they don’t even know it. Studies have shown the 75% of all adults are lactose-intolerant simply because when the human body matures past infancy it loses it’s lactase enzymes which break the lactose down. Humans are not built to digest milk past infancy. Period.

Good luck Laurel on your bid to become Washington State’s official Dairy Ambassador. We need a dairy ambassador that drinks soy!