Jose canseco lady gaga

Jose Canseco Proposes to Lady Gaga!

What do men feel about Lady Gaga? Do they find her attractive or are they just scared? Well, Jose Canseco seems to be willing to marry the 25-year-old singer.

"I wish I could meet her. I would marry her in a second", the 46-year-old former baseball player wrote on Twitter on Monday.
"I am at Cocoa Casino in Yuma, Arizona", the Celebrity Apprentice star said in his weird proposal to Gaga. "I am the biggest Lady Gaga fan ever. I just think she tells it how it is, she says she's born that way, you have to accept it, and that's all there is to it. It's very simple", he explained.
So far, Lady Gaga hasn't responded to Canseco's proposal, but we expect something brilliant from her.

In the past, Canseco dated Madonna for a short while.