3 years ago exactly today . . .

So yes exactly 3 years ago today
 . . . June 29th . . .
I was ALL kinds of excited for my double date with my friend Michelle, her boss Andy and Andy's friend Lane!!!

Yes . . . three years ago today was Andy and my FIRST DATE! Awww.
So crazy to think about, b/c I feel like we've been together forever.

Maybe I'm a little cheesey for remembering dates, but I think it's important, right?
I also remember . . .
 *When he asked me to be his girlfriend (at his b-day party Aug 23rd 2007)
*When he proposed (March 19th 2008)

I can honestly look back at these last 3 years and say they have been the best years of all my 27 years!!!

Love you baby!!!
Thanks for being my "bestie" and for making me laugh and smile the past 3 years. 
I'm still giddy! Hee hee

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do any of you remember and awknowledge days like this? :-)